How to run successful email campaigns for your driving school
Emails are important for any business, and driving schools are not an exception.
It’s the most effective way to send your message to your students and at the same time increase your conversions. We’ll discuss the importance of email marketing with case studies in one of our future posts. But for now, let’s focus on how to create successful email campaigns for your driving school.
Ask email ids from your students: The first step of running email campaigns is, getting the mail ids from your existing students. Ask them to submit their email ids right on the contact form. Once you get the ids, make sure you collate them in a dedicated list.
Run social media campaigns to potential students: Apart from your existing students, there are plenty of others who would be interested to learn how to drive, especially teenagers in your locality. For them, you can run an email gating social media campaigns. Let us explain it a bit.
There are campaigns where you need to submit your email ids to enter and win. Trigger on one such campaign. Target only the potential customers for it. Also remember your neighborhood while setting the target. This is the best way to get email ids from your future customers.
Segment them into groups: So, you must be ready with all the email ids from your existing as well as potential customers. Now it’s time to segment them into different categories. Email segmentation is necessary to make your emails more personalized. Let’s take a look at why you must segment your email list.
To start with, segment the email list into two broad groups: One dedicated to your existing students and another to your potential students. Remember, one email cannot serve both. Strategize separately for each segment. Let’s elaborate with an example.
Planning for your existing students is a bit tricky, as they’re already your customers. But you always can use these contacts to flesh out your sales funnel. Wondering how? Strategize something on the existing deal with an incentive to them. For example, ask them to refer you to their peers to get one extra class free.
When it comes to the list of potential students, you can experiment with all kinds of deals and coupons. You can build a holiday season discount for them or can offer a 20% off valid for one week. The opportunities are huge. The rule of thumb remains, you need to offer value in exchange of their mail ids.
Strategize for long term: Email marketing is not a one-day job. You need to be serious enough to make it work for your driving school. So, you must look after a few points before investing on emails.
First comes mobile. Don’t ignore them. A recent ExactTarget study proved that 91% of email users check their messages at least once a day on their smartphone device. So, you must ensure that your emails are mobile responsive.
Maintain a consistency with emails, even if you don’t have anything to sell or promote. It’s a nice gesture for a business to touch base with their customers. And emails are the most important weapon to do this.
Are you thinking about the content of those non-promotional emails? Well, they can be anything from a success story to a case study to a recently released data on driving to a fun driving trivia. Once you create a brand awareness with these emails, you can except more open rates and more queries. Right!
Always ask your email subscriber to take an action: Call to action (CTA) is pretty important in email marketing and it can increase your conversion rate to a great extent. So, you need to make sure each of your email goes with a suitable CTA button.
Your can experiment with different CTA buttons like “Call us”, “Sign up”, “Avail the deal”, “Share with your friends”, “Learn more” in your emails, based on the purpose and marketing goal. Suppose, you’re sending an email to your existing students asking to share the email to get a discount, CTA buttons like “Share with your friends” and “Get the deal” would work for you.
Over to you:
So, this is it. Emails can be a definite answer to your marketing queries. And it will surely work for your driving school. If you want to know about some suitable emails templates for your promotional and non-promotional email campaigns, exclusively for driving schools, feel free to contact us.