About Us
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DrivingSchool.Marketing (DS.M) is the leading Internet marketing program for driving schools looking to grow revenues or improve profits. As you know, traffic accidents are the number 1 cause of teen deaths and a tragic contributor to the breakup of our families and communities. Together, we are on a mission to expand the popularity of professional driving school programs and improve overall traffic safety.
We’re making progress:
- DSM is the #1 program by quantity of driving schools served.
- We have a 98% client retention rate – with no contracts, ever.
- 100% of driving schools who have tried our program have converted to paid clients.
Traditional Internet marketing services don’t come close. Our international team is based in Washington, D.C. and leverages the greatest marketing, design, and coding talent here, in Europe, and in Asia. We also partner with regional and national organizations sharing our mission.